mardi 14 novembre 2017

Anne Sweet s'est écrit une lettre

Anne Sweet, Australie.

Anne Sweet vit en Australie.

Il y a 23 ans, elle recevait un diagnostic d'encéphalomyélite myalgique. Elle s'est écrit cette lettre qu'elle nous partage aujourd'hui, en version originale anglaise. 

Thank you Anne and good luck 🌞

A letter to my M.E self, 23 years ago.

Hi. You don’t know it yet but your physical life as you’ve known it is over. I don’t mean you’re dead. I mean you will never again experience the glory of being fully, energetically and athletically in your body/with your body. You will try many times and you will always, ALWAYS pay a tremendous price. Days, weeks, months, a year in bed. The body memory is so sweet, so seductive. You just want to feel that ALIVE again. It will take you 22 years to learn this basic lesson.

You can’t.
You can’t push your body.
You can’t strain against your physical limitations.
You just can’t.

If I could tell you one thing, I would tell you to hand the keys over now. Give up what you once loved so much and took as your right. It’s gone. You can do gentle stuff, but not too much and not for too long. Your ability in your mind’s eye no longer has any relationship to the ability of your body. I wish you knew that then. The toll on your dear poor body would have been far less, and you would have been in better health now. Give up the fantasy. You can’t go back. Even for a day. Be gracious. Be generous and loving with the body you have now. One day in the future it may all come good – there’s a lot to be hopeful about (finally). So be patient. Be measured with your energy. And be real about where you are now.

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